Pillars of EPIC4 | EPIC4 Specialty Partners
EPIC4 Specialty Partners

Pillars of EPIC4

Amazing people form the foundation of EPIC4's structure. Upon this solid foundation rest our four Pillars. These pillars are the strength and stability of the organization and the pillars we feel necessary to support a successful career and life. Indeed, the name of our organization is an acronym of these 4 Pillars.

Equity and Wealth Generation

Whether you are just starting your journey, looking for a great new opportunity, or planning your exit strategy, EPIC4 is committed to supporting the best specialists in the dental profession, maximizing Equity and Wealth Generation for all. We are different!

Equity is GRANTED to our Associate Partner Doctors through our incentive equity plan, allowing an opportunity for significant wealth generation without having to go to the bank to borrow funds to make an investment in EPIC4. We believe our equity structure and platform will allow us to grow organically with minimal debt financing. Those who receive equity earlier in the growth stage of EPIC4 will likely benefit the most from the value proposition offered by EPIC4.

Wealth is the byproduct of onboarding early and working to gain efficiencies and supporting doctors that provide an exceptional patient experience. We are also here to help those doctors who choose to affiliate their practices with EPIC4 realize wealth in a manner they never realized was possible.


Practice and Life Balance

Balance--something every practitioner struggles with. Having a successful solo practice often means that up to 40% of your time is devoted to unrewarding administrative tasks. All of this administrative effort tips the scales, causing family and personal time to suffer. With EPIC4 managing the non-clinical side of your practice, you can establish balance in your professional and personal lives.

This recaptured time might mean being at parent-teacher conferences and more soccer games, the opportunity to truly "be there" emotionally for your loved ones, personal time for yourself, and the opportunity for regular self-care and self-improvement. Simply put...your family and your own well being are as important as your practice. Let EPIC4 help you find Practice and Life Balance.


Integration and Collaboration

Our commitment to achieving high quality integrated systems will provide us economies of scale, continuity of training of our teams and consistency in our hiring. This allows us to be agile and proactive in our marketplaces and continue to expand EPIC4 to offer individualized opportunities. We also bring to the table decades of business and practice collaboration, harnessed by our founders through years of friendship.

We recognize that what made you successful is unique to you so while Integration and Collaboration are Pillars of EPIC4, we also honor the individuality of each doctor and the uniqueness of each practice. We want to learn from and collaborate with your Epic practice!


Clinical and Managerial Autonomy

What you do and how you do it is what makes you special! We recognize the value of Clinical and Managerial Autonomy in continuing the success of your practice. If you are an EPIC supported practice, we don't want to change you. We want to learn why your practice is exceptional and incorporate your strengths to improve all EPIC4 supported practices.

What would be epic for specialists? Equity, Practice & Life Balance, Integration & Collaboration, and Clinical & Managerial Autonomy.

Kelly Heetland DDS, MSD

Founding Doctor