Exit Stage | EPIC4 Specialty Partners

Exit Stage

Who are Exit Stage Doctors?

You are beginning the 3 to 5 year transition from full-time clinical practice to part-time clinical practice or a complete exit from the chairside responsibilities. You have experienced practice and life success and look forward to the new version of you.

What do doctors in the Exit stage have in common?

You have explored, expanded and enhanced and the bulk of your nest egg is established
You are ready to enjoy all that you have planned and saved for
You want to capitalize on all of your years of effort by selling your practice, adding significantly to your nest egg
Everything you hear tells you you should sell your practice to a DSO--and soon
Worry may set in that if you "wait too long" you will have nothing to sell
You have heard of friends selling their practices to OSO's for far more than you ever thought possible and wonder if this would be right for you
After years of practicing solo, you think being part of something bigger would be nice
You have some money to invest and are looking for avenues outside the stock market

What are the unique challenges for Exit stage doctors?

Exit doctors want to solidify plans for their transition to retirement. They are excited for the next phase, but have some trepidation about giving up practicing fully. After countless years of investing in their practices, they are hoping to monetize their life's work in the most advantageous manner possible, but they are not sure of the best path in the current marketplace. They wonder if they will be happy if they sell to a larger organization versus a solo practitioner.

The realization that "you" are the financial engine of the practice with no backup weighs on you. "What if I get hurt skiing, what if COVID happens again...." There is great risk here and you know it
You want to solidify your financial security by making the best decision; you need to get this right and want to sell your practice for the maximum amount
You think affiliating with a DSO sounds more and more appealing but wonder which DSO to partner with; you do not know where to start
You recognize that young doctors cannot borrow the money required to purchase your practice and you will be required to carry a note on the practice, tying you to the practice for a longer period of time and with higher risk
You may worry you will not be able to find somebody who is interested in buying your practice
Your practice may not be able to support a full time associate, which reduces your pool of potential doctors; joining an OSO may provide income up front to make this transition possible
Your timeline can not be met if you have to go through 2-3 associates to find the right match that has the ability to purchase and manage a large practice. 
If you own your own building you want rental income in retirement and do not want to be forced to sell the real estate to a new doctor

EPIC4 is the perfect Partner for Exit Stage Doctors

EPIC4 will provide the cash, equity, and practice management support systems to allow a transition to take place on terms that fit your exit strategy. Whether reducing clinical time, eliminating non-clinical time, or finding and training your replacement; EPIC4 can make your vision become the reality whether it be a few year long process or a slower transition at a pace you would prefer.

Your transition can be customized--no cookie-cutters here
EPIC4 will maximize your cash and equity return, far beyond that provided from a sale to an individual doctor
You will not have to "be the bank" for the buyer, relieving the stress of carrying the note on the sale
EPIC4 offers flexible payout arrangements relative to cash and retained equity
By owning a smaller part of a larger organization, you have mitigated the risk of solo ownership
Participating in EPIC4 exclusive investment deals can offer diversity to your investment portfolio
Our systems and support result in more personal time and less stress; your family will love the new version of you
By taking over the administrative aspects of practice, EPIC4 can help you find new passion if you choose to stay practicing a little longer

I would love to have one of my two sons become an orthodontist and want to have a path for his professional success and wealth building.

Christy Fortney DDS

Founding Doctor

If you are an

Exit Stage Doctor

Contact us today to find out what EPIC4 can do for you!